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COVID Vaccine Appointments Available

COVID vaccine appointments are available at Cadillac Family Physicians on Thursday, January 6, 2022 and continue every Thursday for the near future. Call our scheduling line for appointments at 231-876-1122We offer Pfizer and Moderna vaccines #1, #2, and boosters. We also offer Pfizer pediatric vaccine for 5-11 years old, #1 or #2

Everyone 5 years and older is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine

Smiling Child showing immunization bandage.

Everyone 5 years and older is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine
We know that many of our patients have already received the COVID-19 vaccine. Recently, the FDA and CDC have made the COVID-19 vaccine and booster available to many more people. A Pediatric dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is now available for kids 5-11 years old. 

With the Holiday season coming, protect your family and friends, especially those that are at high risk of serious illness.
Cadillac Family Physicians encourages you and your family and friends to get vaccinated. It’s fast, easy, and free.
Authorized or approved vaccines are safe and effective at helping prevent COVID-19 severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

Patients at Cadillac Family Physicians are able to schedule these COVID-19 vaccines:

Pfizer Pediatric vaccine for 5-11- year-olds
Pfizer 1st and 2nd doses for 12 years and older
Moderna 1st and 2nd doses for 18 years and older
Pfizer or Moderna Boosters for adults 18 years and older

Please call our schedulers at 231-876-1122 for appointments and information on times. An appointment is required for all COVID-19 vaccines. If you haven’t already, you can get your FLU shot at the same time!

Most of the pharmacies in our area (Walgreens, Rite Aid, Meijer, etc.) offer convenient COVID vaccine appointments too.


Follow this LINK to a helpful video about creating your plan.

  1. Have the “TALK” while you can speak for yourself, and“BEFORE” difficult medical or financial decisions arise.  Clarify preferences with an Advance Care Plan or other legal document.  Everyone 18 years & older needs to “TALK”.
  2. Choose a trusted advocate to speak for you and make decisions about your medical and/or mental health care when you can’t.  One person can be your medical & financial advocate, or they may be different persons.  Advocates must be at least 18, and do not need to be family members or live in the same State.  Without an Advance Care Plan, a medical team is legally required to ask next-of-kin. 
  3. Your Advance Care Plan should make clear your wishes on these questions:i>
    • What’s important for you to live well?
    • What type of care is important to you as your health declines?
    • Would you like to receive CPR if your heart stops, or you stop breathing?
    • Would you consider being on a ventilator/breathing machine?
    • Would you consider a temporary or permanent feeding tube?
    • Are you an organ donor?
    • Where would you like to live?
  4. Learn key medical terms and practices:  DNR (do not resuscitate), CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), what is a ventilator, and what type of care is given by social worker, hospice worker or primary care provider.
  5. Have documents ready:
    • Advance Care Planning (no attorney required) or 
    • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (attorney required) & is effective when you can no longer make your own medical decisions. 
    • Financial Durable Power of Attorney or Will gives authorization to your advocate for financial and property but NOT medical decisions.

    NOTE:  Two adult witnesses (18 years or older) must sign and date the documents on the same day as you.

  6. Tell your advocate where you keep your Advance Care Plan and other legal documents.  Give copies to your healthcare Provider and hospital.
  7. REVIEW Advance Care Plan and legal documents when there are changes to your preferences, your patient advocate, your residence, your diagnosis, or your health significantly declines.
  8. Advance Care Plans may also be used for temporary medical situation from which you expect to fully recover.  When you recover, you return to making your own decisions.

Your friends at Cadillac Family Physicians PC have provided this booklet available for download “Making Your Medical Wishes Known,” to help you discuss and create an Advance Care Plan.  PLAN YOUR “TALK”. Download or request your free your booklet at your next visit to the office.

Independence Day Hours

Cadillac Family Physicians will be CLOSED on Saturday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day.

Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

Cadillac Family Physicians is looking for patients to join our PATIENT & FAMILY ADVISORY COUNCIL (PFAC). The group consists of patients, staff, and Providers interested in working together to identify and implement strategies to support and improve patient experiences with care, strengthen communication, and build collaboration between health care providers, patients, and families. The group meets four times a year through ZOOM for roughly one hour. To express your interest and further discuss participation, call us at (231) 775-2493 and ask for the Practice Administrator.


During the COVID 19 pandemic, Cadillac Family Physicians asks that you follow these safety protocols upon entering our building. 

Please wear a mask upon entering our office.  You will be screened for COVID-19 prior to entering the office.  Please preregister for your appointment when possible. (Contact the office to learn more about Follow My Health Portal and Pre-registration.)  If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call the office for instructions. 

Our office has been approved as a COVID vaccine center.  The vaccine has not yet arrived and the date of delivery is pending. We will follow CDC guidelines for scheduling vaccine clinics based on age and chronic conditions.  We will contact our patients to schedule appointments as soon as possible. 

COVID-19 Testing

If you are having symptoms that could be related to COVID-19, please call our office at 231-775-2493 for a virtual/telehealth visit for evaluation and to schedule an appointment for drive-up testing.